Career Dating

How to "date" your career and fall in love with what you do (again & again)

CAREER Dating: How to "Date" your Career & Fall in Love with What you Do (again & again)

Unveiling the intriguing parallels between career transition and romantic dating, “CAREER Dating” is not just a keynote—it’s a transformative experience inspired by Kari Mirabal’s acclaimed TEDx Talk and upcoming book publication of the same title. Join her on a journey where you’re encouraged to approach career development with the same intentionality and excitement as you would a romantic pursuit. Through captivating storytelling and insightful guidance based on Mirabal’s 15+ years in the IT Recruiting field, you’re invited to apply practical dating advice to your career path to reignite professional passion. Audiences rave about the entertaining and educational nature of this keynote because most everyone will relate to wanting to achieve best possible outcomes. Dare to break free from the monotony and rediscover your career’s spark as Mirabal shares invaluable insights on how to identify and avoid the pitfalls of career stagnation. Whether aiming for advancement within your current company or contemplating a leap into a new role, this engaging experience provides a fresh perspective and actionable steps to become the CEO of your career.


  • Learn 3 Steps to “Dating Your Career” (Know Something You Want | Cast a Wide Net | Don’t Settle)
  • Discover simple ways to empower yourself to make a change or advance your career path
  • Hear engaging real-world examples to inspire you to view career opportunities from different optics
  • Explore career tips from a former IT Recruiter whose experience includes helping countless clients advance and/or pivot professionally

Audience Takeaways


An Entrepreneurial Mindset

Are you ready to learn how to be the CEO of your career?  Explore knowledge from Kari Mirabal, a former IT recruiter who once helped countless professionals secure new careers. 

Dating Similarities

Explore ways dating romantically and dating your career mirror each other in this engaging and fun presentation twist.

Overcoming Career Barriers

Everyone encounters barriers on their career transition journey.  Learn ways to manage workplace triggers and embrace the benefits of an “every experience can teach me something” mindset.

Trusted Audiences

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